Monday, November 14, 2011

Sponsor Spotlight Interview {Vintage Gwen}

Meet Jennifer from Vintage Gwen!

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I was born and raised in Oklahoma, attended Oklahoma State University and got my Bachelor’s Degree in Apparel Merchandising.  Not using that right now as I’m doing the best job on earth….stay at home mom!  I’m very active in my church, I’m church secretary, teen mission trip coordinator, worship team member and nursery worker!!  I’m proud of my Godly heritage and got saved when I was in the 7th grade

2. How you first got involved in with blogging?

When my son turned 1, I knew I wanted a big party and a unique theme so I searched and searched and while searching I found party blogs which lead to craft blogs which lead to me thinking “I can do that!”  My Soiree Day I have every Tuesday is sort of my way of honoring my entrance to blogging!

3. What do you find most challenging about blogging about your topic?

Actually I think having a few topics to blog about helps with the challenge of “what do I say”.
I like variety.

4. Tell me about some of the people you’ve met while working on your blog?

I have met outstanding women!! Ashley of Eisy Morgan was my first follower.  I really relate to her not only as a blogger but as a fellow Christian, mom, wife, sister.  Natalia of Ma Nouvelle Mode is an early follower as well and was the first blogger to ask me to guest post.  A great opportunity!  She has an interesting life and I enjoy following her adventures.

5. How would (someone) describe your blogging style?

I would hope they would say, it’s fun and inspiring.  And truthful!

6. What do you do when you aren’t working on your blog?

My 2 year old takes a lot of my time!  I enjoy time with my family and shopping with my big sis. See #1 ☺

7 .Are you a full time blogger? How did you get into blogging and why?

I am not a full time blogger but I should be!  See #2  I think a common ‘why’ is blogging is an outlet and it totally is for me.

8. What networking do you do that you feel helps your blogging business?

Link parties are top!  I think Facebook and Twitter are good to but for me right now they don’t compare to participating in link parties.  I recently read an article about social networks and their impact and Stumble Upon was #1!!  I think I’ll give it a shot!

9. How do you keep coming up with material/content for your blog? Many people struggle with coming up with different articles/posts and they only have one blog.

Having a weekly schedule helps so much!  And if something comes up that I want to share then great, the schedule isn’t set in stone.

10. What would you prioritize? Content? SEO? Traffic? Readers?

I’m not too familiar with SEO…but being true to myself is top because I don’t want to be fake,  then my readers, content then traffic.  It’s all really important!

11. What’s the best thing a blogger can give to her readers?

Gratitude, honesty, consistency.

12. What has been your strategy for creating visibility to yourself and your blog?

Well I’ve done Facebook and Twitter pretty much from the beginning but recently added sponsors and I think that’s been a major boost for my visibility.  I never pass up on opportunities to guest post.  Cohosting Show & Share every Wednesday has been tremendous and I have something in the works for Christmas.  Just don’t let the opportunities pass by!

13. If someone was interested in blogging, what would be a few things you would suggest?

Research!!  If you admire a certain blogger then ask them questions!  I started blogging pretty much blind to all the ins and outs.  Blogging is fun but it can be time consuming!

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