Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Worship Wednesday

Lenten Prayers for the Week


Loving Creator, 
I know in your great love for me, 
you see the deep sorrow in my heart. 
Hear my prayers which are offered 
with such trust in you.

Be with me in both mind and heart 
as I renew my life in your spirit.


all I want is to be faithful to you in my life, 
but so often I fail. 
Free me from my many sins 
and guide me to the life I will share with you. 
I wait for your promise to be fulfilled 
with great hope in my heart 
and your praise on my lips.


Most forgiving Lord, 
again and again you welcome me back into your loving arms. 
Grant me freedom from the heavy burdens of sin 
that weigh me down 
and keep me so far from you.


Loving God, 
Your eternal watchfulness keeps me safe from harm. 
I am filled with a great happiness 
when I feel your endless love for me. 
Thank you for your care for me, one of your children. 
I ask you to protect from harm 
those who will soon be your children, 
joined in the joy of your church. 
Please continue to pour out your blessings 
on all of us who have been given 
the lifegiving waters of baptism.


Loving God, 
I am just beginning to realize how much you love me. 
Your son, Jesus was humble and obedient. 
He fulfilled your will for him by becoming human and suffering with us. 
I ask you for the desire to become more humble 
so that my own life might also bear witness to you. 
I want to use the small sufferings I have in this world 
to give you glory.

Please, Lord, guide my mind with your truth. 
Strengthen my life by the example of Jesus. 
Help me to be with Jesus in this week 
as he demonstrates again his total love for me. 
He died so that I would no longer 
be separated from you. 
Help me to feel how close you are 
and to live in union with you.


God of love, 
My prayer is simple: 
Your son, Jesus, suffered and died for me. 
I know only 
that I cannot have real strength 
unless I rely on you. 
I cannot feel protected 
from my many weaknesses 
until I turn to you 
for forgiveness and your unalterable love. 
Help me to share this 
strength, protection and love with others.


God of such unwavering love, 
how do I "celebrate" 
the passion and death of Jesus? 
I often want to look the other way 
and not watch, 
not stay with Jesus in his suffering. 
Give me the strength 
to see his love with honesty and compassion 
and to feel deeply 
your own forgiveness and mercy for me. 
Help me to understand 
how to "celebrate" this week. 
I want be able to bring 
my weaknesses and imperfections with me 
as I journey with Jesus this week, 
so aware of his love.


Leah said...

loving that last print. great reminder of what my purpose is here.

ms.composure said...

LOVING this post!!

Unknown said...

These are so uplifting and beautiful. Thanks for posting!

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