
Monday, June 25, 2012

My Frigidaire "Do Over Moment"

Wow. I only get to pick ONE do-over? Yikes. This might be tough. :) Typically my do-overs include frosting that I somehow think I can pipe onto cupcakes that will leave me looking like I should be on Cupcake Wars, but instead leaves frosting in places I will never find.

Instead I'm going to tell you about a do-over I deal with every few months. You would think I would learn, right? Think again. I'll give you a hint.

That's right. My hair. I do this thing where I get SO SICK of my hair right before its time to make an appointment and by the time I get there, I just want my (fabulous) stylist to shave it all off. She of course won't because she knows I'm crazy, so what do I do instead?? Let's try bangs! WHAT WAS I THINKING??? I HATE dealing with bangs! HATE. So I deal with them for a while then go back...this time? Let's chop off INCHES! No. That solved nothing. With long hair, I could at least pretend like I was close to looking like a Kardashian. Now? No way. Sigh.

This is totally a first world problem. I know...

Until my long luxurious locks return, I'm going to resort to brushing my hair 1,000 times a day, enjoying my Shakeology for my vitamin fix, and getting one of these:

Just kidding. 

From Frigidaire: The Frigidaire Gallery™Dishwasher gets dishes fully cleaned the first time, so there are no dish do-overs. Nearly half of adults admit to re-washing and/or re-drying dishes after the dishwasher cycle has been completed. To prevent dishwasher do-overs, Frigidaire® is stepping in with its new Gallery® Dishwasher featuring the OrbitCleanTM Wash Arm, ensuring dishes are cleaned right the first time.

I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective. All the opinions expressed here are my own.


Wilma Stepp said...

I wondered up on your page today and I had to leave u a comment. It done my heart good to see a young girl (woman) such as yourself (I call anyone younger than me Anyway, as I was saying I always try to make sure that if a young person impresses me that I take time to tell them. I admire the ones who have it together such as u seem to and have their priorities straight. GOD first.I have two beautiful daughters one looks alot like u...and I just wanted to say hats off to whoever (and I say 'whoever' because both my girls were adopted and they are the loves of my life. Just Hats off to whoever raised u and to u yourself. Godwink to u!!

Ruthie Hart said...

you have GORGEOUS hair girl. I am with you, I grow my hair out, cut it, hate it, grow it out, cut it. bleh

Taylor @ Pink Heels Pink Truck said...

I got bangs too. I don't mind 'em until they get too long and cause I can sometimes be lazy, I trim 'em myself. LOL But I'm letting them grow out a bit so I have some "layers" ;) I've been growing my hair out for so long that I won't cut it cause in college my nick name was "Spike" ;) Great post! We all have hair woes! (And if there are those that don't, then they are not the

Allyson McGuire said...

I wish I knew how to do anything with my hair...I blow dry and wear it down everyday - so boring!

Tiffany @ Blabbering Thoughts said...

I think you look fabulous. I am kind of jelly of your hair. Not to mention that all hairstyles look awesome.

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