
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Making the Switch's here. 

Something epic. 

Yep. Life changing. For real.

Melissa and I are starting a new video series to help you (the consumer) sift through all the corporate marketing JUNK and know what you are actually putting in and on your body! 

Welcome to Making the Switch! 

To view more Jose Maran products or buy a lip stain, please visit their website.
You can also find them on Twitter and Facebook

Please pin, share, like, tweet, or stumble this video/post to help get the word out, educate others, and to maybe even learn a bit yourself! 


RadiantKristen said...

You two are hilarious! I love that you have started this series =).

Ruthie Hart said...

So excited to follow you ladies on this journey! I am not a wearer of lip products but I look forward to more videos...yall are so cute! and ps THUNDER UP!

Ladies Holiday said...

This is awesome! Love the idea of this whole project. Liking forward to more. Also hi from mom on a time out!

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