
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Worship Wednesday

Today is Worship Wednesday. Please participate with me by Tweeting or sharing on Facebook by using the hashtag #worshipwednesday. Share your faith with others. It is what we are called to do.

Things I know I need to work on: Praying for my husband. Ruthie, Falen, and Ashley are such wonderful examples of what it is like to be the wife of the Bible. I need to hang around them more. Ya know, via Twitter. Well, maybe not Falen, I can actually see her in person. 

I have a bad habit of focusing on the every situation. I seriously could win the lottery and find something to complain about. In the words of my BFF Melissa, "You aren't're just pessimistic sometimes." That's love, man. I need to be the Proverbs 31 woman,

  "She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life"


elise said...

new follower and I'm so glad that I am! this post was amazing and inspirational. thank you! can't wait to keep reading!

Unknown said...

Great post my friend.

Amanda said...

I love this post so much! Although I'm not a wife - yet :), I am in a relationship of 5 yrs and fall in the same pit where it is almost like I am looking for something to complain about. Very inspiration post and I love your blog, girl! xoxo

Falen said...

Absolutely adore this post... The prayer graphic is super cute. I just want to print this out and put it somewhere I can see it all day! You can see me in real life any time you want, honey! Love you to bits!

kristen said...

being a new little wife... i adore this! xo.

Ashley said...

I'm so glad I came across your blog today. I know this message is a little late, but I just wanted to say Thanks for posting this. Such a positive message, and having been married for almost 10 years and still not knowing how to pray sometimes, this really helped shed some light for me. Thanks again, and I will be following you. Have a beautiful, blessed day!!!

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